Five Things to Do when you first Get Engaged
Start as you mean to go on

Happy New Year! I hope you all had an enjoyable time and that you haven't had to go back to work quite yet! We're back, however, and we're raring to head full steam into 2018.
Now, a lot of people get engaged around the Christmas and New Year period, and if you are one of those then congratulations! You're probably buzzing from all of the excitement and anticipation. But sooner or later you'll start trying to figure out how to go forward, and we thought we'd throw a bit of advice your way
Tell EVERYONE that you want to tell in the best way
I know you've probably done this, but even in this day and age of social media and the like, it can still be nice to tell people in person. If you have family, phone them or see them to tell them. If you have lots of friends, maybe invite everyone down to the local and tell them there. Then, after that, put it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc to let everyone else know
Start to gently plan the wedding
I know this sounds like a silly statement to make - of course you're going to plan a wedding once you are engaged - but some people do get engaged and then do nothing with it for a long time. Pick a couple of things to think about - venue is often a good one. Go out and see venues, you might even get some free snacks and fun days out from it - so it's not going to be a let down, regardless of whether you choose that venue or not!
Go out with the Girls
Just because you are now engaged, you shouldn't neglect the other people in your life. For many people, their friends have been around for them a great deal longer than their partner has. Go out, celebrate, make sure you keep those relationships just as healthy as the one with your partner
Keep Dating (your partner obviously, not other people)
This one's important too. I know that weddings are expensive and that you'll be watching the pennies - but there's no reason not to continue having regular dates with your partner. Whether you go out to the movies, grab a quick dinner, go on a drunken night out, or simply stay at home and argue over who is the worst human being on Come Dine with Me, you need to set aside time for yourselves.
Plan the Hen Do
You didn't think I'd forget this one did you? We're called The Stag and Hen Experience for a reason. Give us a call and we'll help you out with this bit - you've read this far, it's the least we can do!