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My Cambridge Hen Do (Part Two)

Day 2

My Cambridge Hen Do (Part Two)

My Cambridge Hen Do (Part Two)

I woke up on the Saturday of Katie’s Cambridge Hen Do with a surprisingly small headache – I had been expecting much worse (turns out that the two pints of water I glugged before going to bed did their job!). We all met up in the hotel restaurant for breakfast, where what started as hungover silence soon turned into chat and hilarity as we relived the day before and looked forward to what day two of this immense hen do would bring.

As with the Friday, Katie still had no idea what was in store for her today, but she seemed to be excited and happy and looking forward to everything that was due to come her way with vigour and enthusiasm. After breakfast we all went back to our rooms and got ourselves ready for the day ahead, and pretty soon we were all heading off to the first activity of the day.

Our first activity was something that is an essential part of any relaxing hen do, which was a pamper day. We were booked into a high quality local establishment that offered a pool, a sauna, a wide range of treatments and was beautifully quiet. The plan had always been for us to spend a few hours here, recuperating from the night before, while some of us had plumped for a treatment or two while we were there. We had of course got Katie a massage and a facial, because you have to treat the hen right when she’s on her hen do, don’t you! Most of the rest of us either had facials or manicures, and we spent most of the rest of the time either enjoying the pool and sauna or just chilling out and enjoying a drink or two.

We also enjoyed a light lunch while we were there, which was just the right amount of food for us in between relaxation. Eventually, in the early afternoon, we picked ourselves up and headed back into the outside world, off to experience our next activity, and the next activity was one of those things that you really have to try when you are in Cambridge because you don’t really get the chance to try it anywhere else. Punting.

Punting is amazing fun, and should absolutely be a part of any Cambridge Hen Do that you may arrange in the future. We opted for a chauffeured punt, which meant that none of us had to actually get up and put any effort into moving the boat, as we were being punted around by a very nice young man who was more than happy to entertain us for the journey. He gave us a verbal tour around all of the local areas that we were punting past, entertaining and informing us in equal measure.

Meanwhile, we were sat down relaxing, enjoying a drink or four and some snacks – we even went past a very nice boatful of lads who, on seeing that the hen was running out of wine, passed a glass over to her from punt to punt, which was a very nice touch! All in all, Punting was probably the best activity that we did all weekend, as it gave us a chance to relax, enjoy each other’s company and take in the surroundings of this lovely city.

Post-punting, it was time to head to our booked dinner so that we could get ourselves nice and full before our evening out. We’d booked ourselves into a buffet-style all you can eat Chinese, which meant that we were all stuffing our faces eagerly, providing a good foundation for the large amount of drinking that was clearly going to go on once we were out on the town.

Before we went out on the town, however, it was time for one last surprise for Katie. The first bar we went to we had booked a small private room in the back, and while we were enjoying a drink or two, we were greeted by a guest who proceeded to do some very impressive moves. Yes, we arranged a stripper – after all, no matter how classy a hen do you want, some things are always essential, and seeing a gorgeous man gyrate and dance for your pleasure is definitely high among those essentials!

After the stripper had done his thing, then it was time for the big night out. Rather than the casual way we had approached the Friday night out, our Saturday night out was planned. Essentially we were doing a huge bar crawl around all of the recommended bars in Cambridge – and some of them were really something special! We all moved onto gin early in the evening (as it’s a good drink to stay on if you are visiting multiple different bars), and we were all still together and still walking when we decided it was time to head to the nightclub.

Unlike the tiki bar from the night before, we had decided that we would want to dance to some of the cheesiest music known to man on the Saturday night out, so we’d made sure that we were going to end up at a nightclub that would provide exactly what we wanted, as it was running a special 80’s, 90’s, 00’s party night and it definitely did exactly what it had promised it would do! We were there for hours, tearing up the dancefloor, chugging some questionable drinks and just having an absolutely perfect hen night out.

Sunday morning went by in a blur, as most of us were quite badly hungover, and we all slept too late to get breakfast at the hotel itself! Instead, we found ourselves in a local café, grabbing brunch to settle our heads and stomachs before heading home.

My final opinion on our Cambridge Hen Do was that it was absolutely amazing. The city is friendly, well stocked with places of interest (and places to drink), and will provide you a weekend away that none of you will ever forget.

The Stag and Hen Experience has been creating the best bespoke hen weekends since 2009, so, if you're looking to plan a hen weekend package anywhere in the UK or abroad, get in touch on 01202 566100 or via this email address [email protected] and one of our expert hen do organisers will help you put together a fantastic hen weekend package for you and your group.