Top Hen Weekend Destinations of 2020
Yes Really!!

Top destinations of 2020
Well, 2020 has turned out to be a bit of a terrible year for all concerned, hasn’t it? I’m sure lots of us have had small moments of great/happy/exciting things happening, but the whole thing has been overlaid with this pandemic-styled blanket of worry and despair. And we at the Stag and Hen Experience have not been immune to that – just like many of you we ended up with plans on hold and a general sense of worry and confusion.
So to counteract that, we thought rather than just not write our traditional top destinations of the year, we’d get creative and ask our friends and colleagues what their top destinations of 2020 have been. This exhaustive research has led to us being able to compile a top five list of the most popular hen weekends destinations of 2020, which we are excited to share with you here.
So without further ado!
5) The Back Garden
A popular choice for any hen weekend, and the only outdoor location on this list, this is one of those destinations that would probably be higher if everyone had one, but as only a select lucky set of people have one, it’s here at number five. It may not be available every day, due to the infamous British weather, but when you can get out there, it’s a great place to relax, drink, eat and even cook (if you happen to have a barbeque out there). In short, whether your garden is grass or patio, it’s nice to get some fresh air, and in 2020 the best place to get fresh air was your very own garden.
Top Review: “It’s like having your own, very small field that is really close to your house, 5 stars.”
4) The Fridge
The smallest hen weekend destination on our list, this oft-ignored destination has received a huge boost throughout 2020. Where it used to be a hen destination where you would only spend a minute or so, the ever-increasing confusion of not knowing what is going on with the world, whether you can go out, and when you may (or may not) ever get a delivery slot with your favoured supermarket, the fridge has become an area where you can easily spend half an hour staring furiously into the depths of it, hoping to find an answer to the question you haven’t yet asked.
Top Review: “This cold magic cupboard has been my favourite place to be throughout 2020”.
3) Hovering around by the front door
Whilst the Front door has always been a hugely trafficked location every year, it is usually a transient location like the fridge. However, once lockdown began here in the UK back in March, the Front Door area suddenly became its own strange and wonderful world, re-defining itself to ensure that its popularity increased even when people were unable to cross the boundary. So instead of outside people coming in through the door, the people on the inside became obsessed with hanging out by the door, standing within touching distance of the forbidden outside. Whether it was waiting for an amazon parcel or clapping for the NHS, you have spent more time in that area around your front door this year than you ever have before.
Top Review: “I’d never really thought about the front dooras a hen weekend destination before, but now it is one of my favourite places to stand and I don’t see that changing any time soon.”
2) Bedroom
It’s no surprise that the Bedroom has appeared so high in this list, as it’s a room everyone has always spent a large amount of time in before the pandemic happened, and that time has just increased throughout 2020. Whether you were someone who loved spending hours in your bedroom prior to 2020, or whether you just used it to sleep and then immediately left it once you woke up, I think we can all agree that this year has been a year of re-evaluating the importance of the bedroom (especially if you share your house with family members and need a bit of space to yourself). And it’s been good for us all – I know from our extensive research that an awful lot of people who have been putting up with badly organised bedrooms for years have now snapped from spending so much time in there, and have embraced their desire to re-organise it and make it better.
Top Review: “The Bedroom. You can sleep, you can read, you can watch TV, you can browse your phone and you don’t have to wear clothes. Perfection.”
1) The Lounge
I don’t think there’s any surprise that this came crashing into number one. The lounge is where the vast majority of us have spent the vast majority of the year, and as such it has become the most comforting and most visited destination of 2020. Sofa sales have increased 3000%* as everyone suddenly realised that their sofa is less comfy than they thought it was, and since we couldn’t go out eating and drinking then the money saved from that was up for grabs to replace sofas, TVs and everything else that you need to make your lounge the best place to be. Whether you are watching football, playing video games or binging a TV boxset (“The Boys” is the latest recommendation from our office), there is no surprise that the Lounge is the best destination of 2020.
(*based on no particular data at all)
Top Review: “With my new sofa and new TV, there is nowhere I would rather be than my lounge – whether or not a lockdown is in place”.
So what was your favourite hen weekend destination of 2020? Was it any of these, or somewhere that we forgot? The Spare Room? The Dining Room? The Shed? Why not let us know via our social media. In the meantime, we hope you enjoyed this look back at the most popular hen weekend destinations of 2020, and next time we will have a look at the most popular activities of 2020.
Thank you for your continued visitation to our site, and we hope that you, like us, are staying safe and looking forward to an exciting 2021.