Nottingham stag weekend activities
You might have not thought about

Nottingham is a great stag weekend location. Easy to get to, great value for money and it has a buzzing nightlife. There are some amazing activities available for stag weekend participants to do, some of which you can only do in Nottingham so whilst considering where to go and what to do, check out some of the activities you can do on your Nottingham stag weekend that you may not have thought of.
Tank Paintball
Definitely a stag weekend activity worthy of consideration, Tank Paintball is Paintball with a Brad Pitt ‘Fury’ twist. Splitting into crews you’ll quickly learn how to navigate the controls of this piece of magnificent military muscle and then take to the field and unleash or Dulux (other paint manufacturers are available) The FV432 is a crewed by three people, a driver, one to do the aiming and one to pull the all-important trigger. All the fun of paintball without the bruises! Tank paintball is exclusive to Nottingham so if you’re planning a stag weekend in Nottingham, you really should keep this in mind.
One would argue that this is a bachelor weekend ‘go to’ in the states, so it’s surprising that there is only one Hooters in the whole of the UK, an the city that holds this accolade is Nottingham. Hooters Restaurant, or Breastaurant if you will, is famous for its chicken wings, beer and ‘gifted’ waitresses and we’re delighted to be able to experience the great vibe of the place in good ol’ blighty. Many famous celebs have donned their trademark figure hugging white t-shirt and those flattering orange short shorts before they became famous, Hollywood star, Amy Adams is well known to have enjoyed her time working there and British based American Comedian Katherine Ryan has also worn the famous uniform. A stag weekend in Nottingham wouldn’t feel complete without a reservation, you never know, you may be served by a future Hollywood Starlet.
Oompah, Oompah dobaddy do, hang on a sec, not the oompah Loompa song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, (Gene was better, sorry Johnny!) this is oompah of the traditional German kind. The Bierkeller is a German themed bar, much in the way you’d imagine traditional beerhaus to be. With Oompah Oompah bands playing traditional cheesy German brass music, everyone is encouraged to get up and dance and go on stage and take part and take part in the many party games going on, with loads of prizes to be won. German munchies are also on the menu with a fantastic selection of wurst and pretzels available to wash down the, no doubt, many steins of beer. A stag weekend treat for those that are up for something a little different.
White Water Rafting
One for the more adventurous, White water rafting is one of those stag weekend activities that likely appears on many peoples ‘bucket list’ This exhilarating activity fantastic for stag weekend groups with 7 people per raft speeding down a specially designed 700 metre course at the Home of the National Watersports Centre. This is one heck of a ride that will keep you talking about it long after your stag weekend is over. Experience isn’t necessary as our expert instructors will ensure you are fully equipped to make the most of your 2 hour session. The White Water Rafting experience is a proper white knuckle ride.
Most of us like a flutter especially at the big events like the Grand National, but a day at the races is a great experience and couldn’t be further away from the vibe of your typical high street bookies. For starters there are a lot of woman (big thumbs up!) and they tend to dress up (another plus!) and the starts drinks flowing and a great time is had by all. Whether you are a dedicated follower of form or just pick a horse based on their name, you could be a winner and an added bonus most courses offer some after hours entertainment too, like live music or a disco. It’s a fantastic activity for a Nottingham stag weekend.
This is just a small selection of the many activities available for your Nottingham stag weekend. Get in touch if you want more information about any of the above or any of our other amazing bespoke packages we can build for you, on 01202 566100 or via this email address [email protected]