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Stag Do Weekend in Berlin

Where Can You Stay In Berlin?

What Can You Do In Berlin?

How it Works

Choose your Activities

Choose from some of the best activities your stag do destination has to offer.

Choose your Accommodation

Choose a budget place to stay or splash out on luxury, there's something for everyone.

Pay Individually

Everyone can pay individually to make your life easier.

Get Ready!

Sit back, relax and let us prepare the magic!

About Berlin

Why pick a Berlin Stag Do?

Germany is quickly becoming a popular destination for stag weekends, and as the party capital of Germany, Berlin in particular has a growing reputation as a great place for a stag party, and that reputation is richly deserved. A Berlin Stag Do is one of the most exciting and amazing weekends you’ll ever experience.

Berlin is filled with culture and history, as well as being an architectural marvel and filled with beautiful sights and sounds. This means that it’s a great destination for any group, no matter what their interests, as even walking around between activities or bars is an enjoyable and interesting adventure.

Where to stay?

The city itself features plenty of different places to stay, with a wide array of hostels, hotels, apartments and more. Many Berlin Stag Dos pick the simple and cheap hostel options, and these are always more than satisfactory if you are just after somewhere to sleep and to base yourself. Obviously, if you want something more luxurious or something more homely than a hotel, then these options are plentiful and won’t break your budget either.

The accommodation options are all dotted around within easy reach of the local nightlife and tourist spots, so you'll never be far from where you want to be. Whether travelling on foot or using any of Berlin's extensive public transport systems, the city is surprisingly easy to navigate - even after a few too many pints! The U-Bahn (their equivalent of the London Underground) provides 24 hour service on weekends, so no matter when you fall out of a bar, you will always find it easy to get back to your bed.

What to eat and drink?

One of the big upsides to a Berlin Stag Do is that it has some of the tastiest street food in the world, including the Currywurst and the Berliner doughnut. This can all be washed down with a few pints of delicious German beer, which itself includes some of the tastiest and most famous beers in the world. We can also confirm (after a selection of hands on tests) that German beer is far less likely to give you a hangover than British beer, due to how clear and pure it is. If your stag enjoys some good cuisine or a tasty pint, Berlin is definitely a spot to consider!

Popular activities

Berlin is packed with stag activities and offers pretty much everything you can imagine doing on a stag weekend. When picking activities for your Berlin Stag Do, you can do everything from cyber golf to escape rooms, and from river cruises to footgolf. Another popular option is Wakeboarding, as this is one of those things you often don’t get the chance to try in the UK, and it is definitely worth your time.

The second most popular activity for any Berlin Stag Do tends to be the firearms shooting. After all, in the UK you are very restricted in what types of gun you can ever fire, but in Germany you are able to try out some weapons that you never thought you’d get to even touch. It’s a thrilling and competitive activity that we can’t recommend enough.

As you might have guessed, some of the best activity options for a Berlin Stag Do are beer themed, including brewery tours and even a pub crawl treasure hunt, which will take you around some of the best drinking spots the city has to offer! However, by far the most popular activity we offer is the beer bike. Sit down at a bar with your friends and take in a tour of the city sights as you drink. Sure, you have to pedal a little, but what's a little pedalling between friends?


As far as the nightlife goes, Berlin is known for being absolutely debauched, and for good reason. A great way to experience a night out in Berlin is to book one of our guided bar crawls, as that way you’ll get an experienced local to show you all of the best bars and pubs for you to spend time in throughout your Berlin Stag Do.

Visiting the local bars and pubs is one thing, but with Berlin being known for its absolutely debauched nature, if you fancy interspersing your night out with something a bit wilder, then this city is more than happy to provide you some options. The Semi-naked wrestling is always popular, with a pair of beautiful women wrestling in jelly, mud or any number of other things while you enjoy a drink or three and cheer your favourite on.

Another way to really push the boat out on your Berlin Stag Do is to visit one of the world famous Dominatrix shows – if you are man enough that is! These shows are a unique experience, though I can’t talk too much about them on here. Suffice it to say, if you think it sounds interesting, then it’s definitely something you should experience for yourself.

If you’ve read all of this and still aren’t considering a Berlin Stag Do, then I don’t know what else to tell you! Berlin is Germany's party capital, so a trip there means that you know you are going to be in for a good time! Essentially, if you enjoy drinking some of the world’s best beer and don't mind a little debauchery, a Berlin Stag Do could be the perfect choice for you. Why not give us a call and let us tailor a perfect package for you, so that you can just relax and focus on the great time you are going to have when you get there.

The Stag and Hen Experience has been creating the best stag weekends away since 2009, so if you're looking to plan a stag weekend package anywhere in the UK or abroad, get in touch on 01202 566100 or via this email address : [email protected] and one of our expert stag do organisers will help you put together a fantastic stag do for you and your group.

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