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Stag Do Weekends in Oxford

Where Can You Stay In Oxford?

What Can You Do In Oxford?

How it Works

Choose your Activities

Choose from some of the best activities your stag do destination has to offer.

Choose your Accommodation

Choose a budget place to stay or splash out on luxury, there's something for everyone.

Pay Individually

Everyone can pay individually to make your life easier.

Get Ready!

Sit back, relax and let us prepare the magic!

About Oxford

Reasons to Visit

Oxford is one of the most internationally well-known English cities. Many may think that this is due to the fact it is home to the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and I am sure that is partly true. However, the other reason that it is famous is that considering it contains such a huge number of students, it is well known as a great location for a night out, which makes an Oxford Stag Do a brilliant option for anyone looking to plan a lads night out.

Oxford itself is home to some beautiful architecture, some amazing scenery, and some of the worlds best pubs. Trust me on this, as we’ve been out to several Oxford Stag Dos in our time, and it’s a city that honestly has a different feel to anywhere else you might consider, and we mean that in a truly positive way.

Where to Stay?

As you would imagine for a city full of students, the accommodation options are many and vast – and all are of extremely high quality. If your Oxford Stag Do are the kind for whom money is no object and you fancy a life of luxury, then we can find you somewhere amazing to stay in a central four or five star hotel. If you’d prefer to keep the price down a little and are happy to simply have somewhere with a comfortable bed and a door you can close behind you, then there are plenty of options in that region as well – everything from a traditional hostel through to one of the countries most popular chain hotels.

In short, it doesn’t matter what your requirements are, you’ll easily find somewhere great to stay for your Oxford Stag Do that suits your desires and your budget with no problem whatsoever.

Popular activities

Oxford’s reputation for greatness isn't only restricted to the university and the nightlife either. Being located inside a green belt area means that activities that require large open spaces (which are often miles away from most city centres) are much easier to get to from the centre of Oxford – which is a definite bonus. As you can imagine, there are a lot of outdoor activities of this type available, which can be absolutely perfect for your Oxford Stag Do.

The Go-Karting, for example, is stellar. The track is nice and big, the karts are powerful, the staff are friendly and there’s nothing more fun on an Oxford Stag Do than competing with your mates to see who is the best. You’ll even get to take the podium at the end of the race, with first place, second place and third place able to lord it over everyone else on the stag do for the rest of the weekend!

That’s not all that this city has to offer, by any means. If you want to do another of the many outdoor activities, there are plenty to choose from. Whether you are seeing who can roll down a hill the best in the Zorbing activity, taking aim and knocking moving targets out of the air in the Clay Pigeon Shooting or even giving Hovercraft driving a try (and believe me, that’s one of those activities that is harder than it sounds, but is hugely rewarding), then an Oxford Stag Do is definitely the option you need to be exploring.

Everything we’ve talked about activity-wise so far are activities that are adrenaline-fuelled and exciting, so if you fancy a complete change of pace at some point during your Oxford Stag Do, why not take advantage of an activity that is only offered in Oxford and one other destination – Punting. With two options available here, you can either hire a boat and punt yourselves if you think you can manage it (though be prepared for people to call you a bunch of punts if you crash into other boats!). The second option is even more relaxing, as you’ll have a punter doing the work for you, giving you a little guided tour of the riverside areas of Oxford, while you drink some beers and eat some snacks – which sounds pretty perfect, doesn’t it?


And then we circle back around to the nightlife in Oxford. And trust me, this will NOT disappoint you. With a large number of classic pubs, more modern bars and nightclubs all based on the same street, you will find travelling between them easy and simple – and as we all know, the less time you have to spend walking between drinking establishments means that you can spend more time enjoying yourselves WITHIN the drinking establishment itself.

Last time I went on an Oxford Stag Do, we managed to visit nine different drinking establishments in the space of about three hours, and only stopped because we found ourselves in a bar that truly made us feel at home. Once you’ve finished exploring pubs and bars, then it’s a pretty easy step to find a nightclub or two that you can enjoy spending the rest of your evening in, dancing the night away until you find yourself staggering back to your accommodation while the sun is coming up.

If a nightclub isn’t where you want to end your Oxford Stag Do, why not try one of the popular Gentlemen’s clubs or an always exciting casino? No matter what type of establishment you want to finish your Oxford Stag Do night out in, you’ll be entertained, full of drink, and supremely satisfied. And isn’t that what everyone wants for their Stag Do?

So if you feel it is time to graduate to the next level of entertainment, get in touch and tell us what you fancy doing and we’ll tailor make you a perfect Oxford Stag Do quote straightaway.

The Stag and Hen Experience has been creating the best stag weekends away since 2009, so if you're looking to plan a stag weekend package anywhere in the UK or abroad, get in touch on 01202 566100 or via this email address : [email protected] and one of our expert stag do organisers will help you put together a fantastic stag do for you and your group.

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